Milford Lounge Suit
Price for Suit to Hire is Men's £70.00 Boy's £65.00
Light weight navy mohair suit. Wedding Accessory Pack £34 includes (Shirt, Waistcoat, Handkerchief and your choice of Neckwear)
Milford Lounge Suit
Price for Suit to Hire is Men's £70.00 Boy's £65.00
Light weight navy mohair suit. Wedding Accessory Pack £34 includes (Shirt, Waistcoat, Handkerchief and your choice of Neckwear)
Fitted Charcoal Mohair Lounge Suit.
Price for Suit to Hire is Men's £70.00 Boy's £65.00
Wedding Accessory Pack £34
includes (Shirt, Waistcoat, Handkerchief and your choice of Neckwear)
£70.00 to Hire.
Silver Grey Mohair Jacket and Trousers.
Wedding Accessory Pack £34 includes (Shirt, Waistcoat, Handkerchief and your choice of Neckwear)